School Board Representative: Do You Qualify?

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If you want to be more active in your child's school, you may become a PTA member to do so. But if being a member of the PTA, or parent-teacher association, isn't enough for you, see if you meet the qualifications of a school board representative. As a school board representative, you can actively participate in programs and activities that not only represent your child's school but your community as well. Learn more about the qualifications of a school board representative below. 

What School Board Qualifications Should You Meet?

Every school requires a board, or group of individuals who make crucial or important decisions for it. A school board ensures each student in a school receives a fair and equal education throughout the school life of the individual. A board also ensures a school develops programs that benefit the community, such as nutritional and health plans. But before an individual becomes a member of a school board, they must meet certain criteria or qualifications for the position.

The qualifications for school board representatives may vary from state to state. However, most schools require members or representatives to be active members in their communities or school districts. For example, school board members in Hamilton City, California must share and represent the mutual needs of the people in their communities. The representative must actively strive to meet their community's needs without bias or prejudice. If the representative can't meet their community's needs, they may not serve in their position for very long. 

Board representatives must also be able to work well with other members of a board and school. School board members and the school they represent must maintain professionalism and honesty throughout the members' term, even if disagreements occur between them.

If you think you meet the school board qualifications above, speak to a school or community leader for more information on how to become a representative soon. 

How Do You Become a Representative?

Most individuals must participate in an election before they can become active school board representatives. For example, the state of Florida requires voters to elect their school board members. The school board candidates may also need to be active voters in their state or district to qualify for an election.  

Board member candidates may also need to participate in other activities to obtain their positions, such as serving the community on a regular basis. Candidates must show that they can play an active role in their district before, during, and after they join their districts' school boards. The school board leadership and the school they represent must ensure each member they obtain works on the behalf of the community and not themselves.

If you want to learn more about becoming a qualified school board representative, speak to a community leader today.  
